Tuesday 25 March 2014

Diffusion Experiment - 9KEm

We used a chemical called Potassium Permanganate, we also used beakers.
We filled the beakers up with water than we put a pinch of  Potassium Permanganate into the beakers then it went through the process of DIFFUSION. The water changed colour, the beaker on the bunsen burner with the chemical in the water desolved into the water..

As we put the Potassium Permanganate the water turned Purple. When we put it under the Bunson Burner, we saw that the KMnO4 was flowing around like a tornado.

It has helped me visualise what our next experiments are going to be and it has helped me get an idea about what de fusion is.

The experiment yesturday showed how when you put some of the little crystals in the water it showed how it was moving and it also changed colour.

When I was observing the water with the chemical in it while being heated the chemical didn't mix as fast as the other one that wasn't heated but after a while the chemical would look like it was moving like a tornado. 


I learned what diffusion does to particles and it really helped me to understand what diffusion was. I really enjoyed that experiment.
In cold water the colour drops down and rotates. In warm water the colour floats in the water like a tornado.
I like this experiment because I enjoyed looking at the colour moving.

We inserted the Potassium Permanganate into a Beaker with around 180 ml of water inside it . We heated it using the Bunsen burner and with a pinch of Potassium Permanganate it started to dissolve and you can see the liquid moving in circles like a tornado because of the colouring we've put in it . It just twirled and twirled not only that but it also expanded throughout the whole liquid.

When the water is heated the particles move forever till the heat drops.When it is not heated the particles move until it is dissolved and evenly distributed throughout the solution. The particles move rotationally and slides past each other.

In the beaker we put the water about half way then we put the potassium permanganate oxidizing agent and we could see how the water particles moves and it was moving kind of down. Then we tried it again but this time with a Bunsen burner, tripod and the gauze mat, so then we fired up the Bunsen burner and put the potassium permanganate oxidizing agent and the water particles started to move up like a tornado.

We used a chemical called Potassium Permanganate, we also used beakers.
We filled the beakers up with water than we put a pinch of  Potassium Permanganate into the beakers then it went through the process of DIFFUSION. The water changed colour, the beaker on the bunsen burner with the chemical in the water desolved into the water..